Tuesday, May 3, 2022



Looking back at 2012 me. 

Stressed out, depressed, unfit, and at the lowest point of my life. 

But 2012 was also the turning point of a much better life. 

Sometimes things break apart ---- for better things. 

10 years older, much happier and hopefully wiser now. 

So grateful and content with my life right now. The things I've achieved today, would have seemed unreachable to the 10yo me. I've always been a little girl, with big dreams. I am so grateful and lucky that all my dreams can become a reality. Though life have definitely thrown a few curve balls at me, I wouldn't change a thing. M- you are the love of my life. I love being married to you. Can't wait to travel the world soon - with my favourite person in the world. :)