Sunday, June 26, 2022

Day 5

Day 5 of Covid positive  

In a way, I'm happy to have finally caught it. This horrible virus which has put my life plans on hold for the past 2+ years and ended millions of lives worldwide. I feel like once this is over, I can finally live my life a little less scared and paranoid. I know I could not be luckier for this timing. At least this has happened after our trip. 

As much as I hate this pandemic and this virus, if it wasn't for it, I wouldn't have started learning the violin. In many ways, I feel like this has saved me over and over again. How incredible is music. :) Being sick and in isolation leaves me the perfect time to reflect on our trip. Vancouver, Banff, Jasper, Sunpeaks, Whistler, Victoria, Alaska, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles. It had been nothing short of amazing. We've met incredible people, set eyes on the untouched, beautiful sights of nature, explored the most glamorous lights of the man made city in the middle of the desert, and also the had a glimpse of the poverty and homelessness in America. 

The past 2 years I had been in a constant state of routine. Wake up, work, lunch, work, workout, dinner, violin practice, piano practice, sleep, and repeat. I wasn't unhappy, but I wasn't happy either. All I wanted was to travel and explore the world, and to tick off my life goals. But that was one thing that I couldn't do. Therefore, working as hard as I can was the only way to compensate that. I didn't realise how much stress and tension I caused myself during that period of time. I probably still do it, but its hard not to when you are trying to make up for lost time. 

The trip was exactly what I needed. I've seen and explored a lot. But I've also learnt a lot as well. I've started to appreciate how lucky I am. I mean, I've always knew that I was lucky, but it has taught me to also look at the positives in not so ideal situations as well. It is what it is. Life rarely goes the way you want it to, but it will always work out how its meant to be, and often for the better. So why stress over something you can't control? 

I am going to take it one day at a time. I'm going to do the best I can. If I fail or fall, its ok too. I'll pick myself up. I know I'm not alone as well. I've got the most amazing husband a girl could ask for. For the past 10 years, he'd always been by my side, and I'm so so so grateful. 

Life has never been better. :)