Monday, December 31, 2012


Its unbelievable how it is already the end of 2012. This had been an incredible year. The most challenging year in my life so far. I'm amazed and proud of myself that I've managed to survive. :) Yes. This is the time to reflect upon myself on the past year. :)

Even though going through this year had been incredibly rocky, I'm completely happy with the way it is going to end. This holidays had been the most fulfilling holiday ever. I've managed to pass 4th year, found a job that I enjoy doing, met up with a lot of my high school friends, went on my first road trip with friends, and had fun along the way. Obviously the best part was my birthday which was on 12/12/12! ^_^ (Not the fact that I am a year older :'( )

Even though I am not going to get the midnight kiss that I've always dreamed of( haha jkjk), 2012 going to end perfectly by me getting my first pay check!! Well that's not completely true but it is my first pay check in 4years! :D *Dance hysterically* Now I can finally go out to eat without feeling guilty!! And of course save up for my future house.^_^

I could only wish for 2013 to be an even more amazing one. There are so many things that I need improving on so hopefully 2013 would guide me to be the person I would like to be.

2013 Resolutions:

  1. Pass fifth year
  2. Make the most of fifth year and job experiences to be a competent and confident dentist
  3. Find a job (as a dentist) 
  4. Be a better daughter and sister by helping around the house and spending more time with them
  5. Save up money for the future (by not wasting too much money on unnecessary things )
  6. Be more independent by learning basic stuff like cooking and try not to burden parents on money stuff 
  7. Be more organised
  8. Maintain good relationships with people (Old and new)
  9. Control my temper (I hate the fact that I tend to jump into irrational conclusions when I'm upset and would say hurtful things)
  10. Be healthy by eating healthier and exercise more 
  11. Go to a wedding (Hopefully hehe! My cousin just got engaged a couple of days ago!)
These are a few things that I need to work on and hopefully by the end of 2013 I would have improved or achieved them. Lets hope 2013 would be a good one.:)

Happy New Year 

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