Saturday, October 1, 2011


Came across this picture today. Is it true? Well it certainly makes me feel a lot stronger. =3

Let me first talk about a stupid thing I did a few days ago. I dropped my laptop on the floor.=[ My internal harddrive is destroyed and so I ended up laptopless for the past couple of days. Never realised how bored I am without my laptop. Couldn't study and couldn't download movies. TV was my only entertainment. Thank goodness my dad, with his magic hands, managed to do a backup on all my files while my harddrive slowly drop into unconsciousness and say goodbye. Thanks dad for not getting mad at me.:)

So I haven't been doing any work these days and you can describe me with one word at the moment, "screwed".:(

Anyways, this post is entitled "Coco" so I am going to tell you what happened to him today. So mum, sis and I decided to bring coco into the garden for him to run around. He was so adorable.:) Instead of running away, he just stayed at one spot munching grass and occasionally change his spot to nom on new grass.:) Suddenly, he froze and ran to hide at a corner. I was like, "Whats wrong Coco? Don't be scared, I am here to protect you". I looked up and saw a hawk circling low in the sky. It obviously had its eyes on coco. I panicked and quickly carried my petrified coco into his box and ran for it. Poor coco almost got eaten. :( You had been a brave boy today coco! We love you so much.<3

*Ps: My sis is watching me as I blog this. Better not reveal any of my secrets!;)*

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